Music is my favorite type of artform

I have been listening to artists Lucy Rose, The Enemy, Charlene Soraia and a few others. Music has been an evolving experience.. I grew up on rock and roll and country, and passed on to trip hop and electronic music, and i feel I have discovered every genre now… I would like to say that my favorite type of music is the type that makes me feel alright in an exotic pleasant way. I remember listening to Death Cab for Cutie’s – I will follow you into the dark, Jack Johnsons – Turn your love, Bob Marley and Nirvana feeling their emotions cross over to me – reading Kurts Biography Heavier than Heaven and coming across the Internet conspiracies of his death…. Music pieces that I love are those that express sadness or happiness, ones that get you pumped with anger and further my meaning to go forward and onto the nether of our existence.. Begging for Thread by Banks… Dangerous by Big Data. Cakes’ The Distance. My favorite music are songs that tell love stories. Listening to one song every now and then… I used to record the stereo on a tape deck to be able to hear it later… Now we have the convenience of streaming our music, downloading it through iTunes… Moving across genres is an evolutionary change… To listen to something like the Foo Fighters Everlong to something like James Blake’s Retrograde… I still have memories from 311’s Amber and I guess now that all the music has been fragmented… But the emotions are the same. Albums like Jamie XX’s Gosh and Flume’s really take a bite from our emotions in a cheap way… They are mastered diligently, so they are in deed cool to hear every month or so… They are my power albums. The ones I would say have more potency than the rest because sound that conveys feelings through frequency alteration of the mind or sounds that affect your minds ability to think are genius. After all… Sound releases endorphins in your mind to create dopamine. It’s not the same as my old music however. For me, the tracks that I find most pleasurable… are Bon Ivers Skinny Love, Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence, Michael Jackson’s I just can’t stop loving you , Charlene Soraia’s When we were five, and tracks that leave you in a trance slowly, music is like a drug. If mastered perfectly, say using bineural simulation, you can achieve a state of mind so finely tuned that you can cross lands through astral projection using the right frequencies… You can expand your mind slowly, open your mind to new experiences, but all is to be done in moderation, after all – every generation goes through instrumental shifts… The ones I enjoy today the are dark synths, a low bassline, with calming waves and light pianos and guitars carried by a sweet voice of a femme.

The Man Who Built The World

We are a collective conscious. On a global scale, It’s hard to centralize everyone’s ideas on the internet except on one site. Reddit. The online community stores your ideas and they are seen by the masses. When I need to know how someone feels about something, I don’t just google it. I reddit. I search Instagram, find periscopers, tumblrs, and tweets about it. I read articles about everything I am about to include in my life, or keep to complain about… My AT&T ISP, Sony’s lack of work on their products, people I choose to follow, people I am ignored by, everything I do, and you do, if you are in one of my feeds and I am browsing it, is in our mind for a few seconds- if a thought is formed… If we can even conceive one from the amount of data we consume each day we make something of it or move on. Our minds work together to buffer out ideas and churn emotions regarding certain patterns of words or pixels into agreements, with which we discern who is trustworthy or what is defined as cool or just okay. The world runs first on trust, of intellect, and idea scouring who can create a better tomorrow, or destroy it in the fastest way possible. This is why, when i see something I first define it as a subject connected to a bigger entity, that is everyone has a personality and we try to define ourselves with what we connect with… Simplicity – Apple, Cars- Forza, Future – Minimalism, not just with people around us. We have an infinite imagination to pursue what we like, or create for others to enjoy as well. I am a fan of almost everything good on earth, but I am also conservative. I don’t upgrade my phone every year. I don’t use high energy appliances, I don’t drive my car just to drive it. I don’t buy foods I won’t eat, and I don’t make things for others if it’s a temporary feeling. The world made by man is an outcome of your personality and what drives you to understand things. If you are passionate about something, it will be the best idea because you had the least experience with it from the beginning. Fields like AC units, solar panels, electric cars… The industries of the future are autonomous and equipped to be lead by quantum computer programs that dictate how a product sells, will it be in stock, should the machines create more, plant more, or less. The world is not just about consuming. It’s about using the resources to their highest potential. Not just from a buisness standpoint, but as an engineers view, an animals view, a homeless mans view. Life is full of people in so many positions that we take everything we have for granted, but without our clothes and our devices… We are just one conscious of the entire worlds population. 

The man who built the world of tomorrow builds the universal language of Augmented Reality, the bending of the dream world and the real world into one where things will be different for everyone based on their personalities and you will have to accept their visions in yours. The world of tomorrow is… Having someone clothe you in their vision of excellence, morph your body into their liking, and simulate the past or future in their mind not through imagination but by use of software. Take a note of the game skyrim, left for dead, and add mods. You can now do whatever you want and your body means nothing anymore. All that will matter then is how you talk, what you like, and how much of the world gravitates towards you, like Michael Jackson did without technology, if he looked any different, he would still be Michael Jackson.


I was watching CollegeHumor on YouTube and there’s a video where they talk about the iPhone 6S greatest new feature is getting rid of the phone itself… So i asked myself why is the phone tied down to these stupid companies that charge for access on data plans that are so tiny yet so expensive? This isn’t 1999 and we don’t use nokia’s anymore. The phone like everything else has moved to the internet. And don’t get me wrong Louis C.K. said not to complain about this… But who wants to pay 50-60 dollars for one line a month that gets you so little data… I run through 1 GB on a single download on the iPad getting games likes GTA or Infinity Blade and 30 dollars more gives us unlimited? What? How about dynamic monthly data? Just YouTube or Periscope streaming runs up 100 GB in a month. These companies should get with the times.

What about, Love? Chapter 4

In our home, the glass windows changed to black and rendered a virtual sky above us with aura’s of all colors. Madison was laying down on the sofa with siri’s device.

Do you want to visit our old home?

Wouldn’t want to miss it.

Siri turned off the TV as I sat down next to Madison waiting for Siri to bring up my bed from the ground. I sat down and looked at Madison, she asked me “What?” looking up at me.
I felt like telling her I was afraid of going to the wrong place but we always found each other at our old home so I said… Nothing, and smiled back. She layed down and shut her eyes as my psycho-tricorder glowed a subtle blue hue around the gems ear piece.

As time passed on, the solfeggio frequencies played together ascending from low to high in a circular quantum form, then it guided us by sound into our bodies light vehicles… Where I thought of our old home in Sim City. Siri had geometrically learned the dimensions and their wavelengths so she played them through our minds and we visualized them like bats when they used to exist. In our minds we had no longer taken the bodies of our digital selfs but instead of our physical selfs, however we kept morphing into other being figures… Our bodies were made of light and shapes and at one moment Madison looked like a stranger I had only seen for a second on a screen when I was younger. I felt the presence of someone who had existed trying to be in my subconscious dream with Madison. But Siri was programmed to only allow matching frequencies to co-exist in our reality. It was actually me and Madison’s minds that were not up to par with Siri’s… Because if we asked her to join our dream she would have probably become the talking house she is, or build an endless hotel of rooms and rooms of people from all over the universe that we could visit if we downloaded their dimensions ideas and shifted our light bodies frequencies to theirs.

Madison asked, “Do you remember who you were in Sim City?”

I don’t. I left home each day in the morning when the sun came up and sped myself up through work… It was all a blur by night.

Her light kept shifting to different colors. “We met on a virtual server hosted by a trillionaire. Do you remember that day?”

I remember visiting the mall and thinking I did not have enough virtual money to get you a present for your birthday. I remember the host saying you were pretty and even then you chose me over him. I feel like you missed out on a lot…

Reality is not as important as it used to be. Virtuality took over and it led us here through neuroscience. Spirituality is the bending of our minds and nature, what is of life other than a lower dimension than is this one and the ones paralleling away from those of gods among us?

We were not daemonic by nature, we were forced to believe in ideas of the dead and most of us were trapped by the wicked. If it wasn’t for the apocalypse things would have always been the same generation after generation, the re-birth of Christ was never in the hands of the churches either. Martin Luther King Jr was not Christian…

I drifted away.

Freedom of Beliefs : Future Life

Insomnia and darkness feed the dark mind like the musical scale is twisted, far from the sacred frequencies. Symphony’s play the wrong notes in synchronicity. The scrambling clock reminds me that life is special but we are suppressed through mind control. Robert Morris was a pig. Why would America be rigged to be a farmland and not paradise. Why are the buildings guarded. Why do you steal others time if you preach about god on the dollar but you don’t let him on the radio unless it’s sin. What harm did god do to you besides keeping you in another dimension. The rebel needs rest, and in 7 years… Christ will not come back. People will become one with him in nirvana and you will be dethroned… All of our work will become freedom because we do not follow rules from the dead.

What about, love Chapter 3 

The flower of life

I spy with my little eye a drone in the distance.

Siri close the blinds, the agency’s web crawlers have already scanned my profiles today while I was asleep. They do it every month and I’m not a rogue. None of us are…

From the hue of the light I gestured to turn on the water purifier for Madison. It hasn’t rained in weeks… But the solar battery is full.

Siri show me information on the show called The Dreamer.

The Dreamer was produced by a YouTube creator named Spirit Science long after he passed away, the creator of the content gave right to give his copyright license away… A computer AI under the company London Inc., which specialized in crystalline storage and nano-fiber optics in fluidic environments created the show. It’s the same company behind the technology used by Apple Inc. today in super human neuron suits. The dreamer follows the main character Bodi who was intrigued by the aspects of life. Through the web series he goes through the stages of seven chakras. Seeding new ideas from the occult to accomplish one thing. Freedom of beliefs and ideal teachings from Jacque Fresco, John Locke, and Deiter Rams to be embedded in the planet.

Was Bodi a man or a female?

According to the AI who programmed Bodi… He was a body with a heart synchronized to his left and right side of the brain. The AI built by London Inc. had only three and a half cores for processing data… I have 6 neurological cores, that makes me better.

I think London’s AI had one core that you’re missing… The heart.

Feelings are for people to do stupid things. I am smart and sexy. Who needs them?

And that’s why you don’t have a lover.

Speaking of love, Madison is almost here. Her ETA is 3 minutes…. Show me the designs from yesterday.

Here are your designs.

A wrap-around display was shown on the screen with a dynamic icon floating. Lisa and Madison had been driven home by Siri, who was playing 10 games of solitaire. You could see Madison’s light purple dress flutter through the air… Lights falling from the top to the bottom as she sat down in the couch… Lisa ran off to her room to turn on her tv, her classmates were already there.

She grabbed a glass from the table’s quantum levitating magnetic module and walked towards the water purifier. Madison was an extremely smart person. She and I had met online while playing a game called Sim City where you could pretend to live in a virtual city through AR.

How was the park?

It was a little chilly over there… We had to park in the sky because we couldn’t find a place on the ground, Siri was talking about you searching for a job, said you joked about being a pizza delivery guy.

Hahaha. Yeah. I was only making light of the situation… our only bills are the Internet and water…. Siri could run on the neighbors wifi.

What? No I can’t. What if his connection goes through a filter? I can’t be indexed by other P2P creators… I like my peers.

See, she likes her internet cluster. She doesn’t want to relearn someone else’s index. Besides, that takes forever….

Madison.. I was only kidding, Siri knows what job I should get, she knows everything about each profession and which one is best suited for us. She will help me… Right Siri?

Siri was now running a program trying to animate a character. Uhhh…

Madison smiled knowing Siri had full potential of bringing good to their lives before. She was relaxed and sat down on the couch as it tilted backwards and rotated to the diagonal glass wall on our living room, a green light appeared. From on top of the ceiling came down an arm connected to Siri’s core’s and she rested it above her forehead… Placed headphones in her ears and asked me to join her.

Do you want to meditate with me?

Bodi must have been a space traveler for all I know.

What about, Love Chapter Two

Siri, I’m going to go find myself time and write a book.

What does a successful story consist of?

An anti-hero, a heroine, a success story through hardship, a romance, someone who has views different than others. 

Maybe Kurt Cobain, wanted to start a rock band and leave a murder mystery behind. No wait, Siri, does that make any sense… How was 911 an inside job… Wasn’t there a guy in jail that warned them it would happen. What about that Sandy hook shooting, I heard it was completely staged. Siri?!

Dave, your delusional. Shut up and have a glass of water.

Hey wait a second… Let me see my brain scan from yesterday. I’m supposed to have my pineal gland deactivated, Melatonin hasn’t been synthesized in me… What was that tv show about. The kid with the weird dreams. He said he went into trances. How did he do that?

He must have gone mad… Trying to talk to god. You can’t do that unless you lock yourself in a black room for days.

Oh… I have a feeling there’s more to that. 

What about, Love? – Chapter One

The Williams Residence 

8 Infinite Loop X San Francisco, California

“I can’t stand the way the lady across the street plays her music, it’s 9 AM in the morning and she’s playing Skrillex. She gets in her car and forgets to turn her thing off.” – Madison exclaimed, her tone was sleepy… As if she was having a lucid dream and in came a bunch of people from coachella, stepped on the roses… Wait, was the neighbors dog peeing on our flowers? 

Lisa come here. Eat some of this bacon, I’m going to go aim the speakers away from our windows. Going to get rid of the dog while I’m at it… – I thought in my mind. 

I walked across the front garden and passed the mailbox… No mail as usual, went to grab the dog and as I crossed the street, I tripped on my loafers, what I wear loafers… At least their not crocs or ugg boots… Well… I dropped the dog and he started to run away. As soon as that happened I saw Lisa pointing out the window to a zooming car coming down the street, it was the neighbor. She was putting the visor up as she parked and ran over the driveways curve… ran over one of my loafers. She also ran over her dog. She ran into her home, I could see through a window, maybe I should apologize.

She began undressing so I looked away, ran to my home and Lisa asked me what had happened? She was crying a bit, and I told her… ” Nothing… Her dog is in a happier place now.” I said, tried getting rid of the dirt off my loafer. She said… Oh okay, and continued eating her bacon. She turned on the Internet TV and asked Siri to put on some show about a talking triangle who was friends with a talking red character I couldn’t even explain.

Madison was walking down our main hall, “Ahh, thank you! That awful music is not playing anymore!” I somehow imagined a baby Jesus giving me a high five… But I refused him… So I imagined him turning furious and gave him it.

“So what’s the plan then?” Madison said as I saw the neighbor back out of her driveway, running over the dog once more… “Ummm… Madi there’s a bit of a problem… I…

She glanced at the tv, ” Siri, tell me Lisa’s school schedule”. Siri protested, ” Lisa hasn’t updated her calendar since last Friday, would you like to me sync it with her online teacher Mr. Wieling? Yes.

Madison… I think I’m going to loose my job, I heard the quantum computer CEO giving a speech to new members telling them that they had to step up their designs or he would shame them on Twitter. He had terrible jokes too… He asked them if they had seen the episode of Futurama when Babe Newell’s, Gabe’s computer wife had released Half Life 4… Half life 3 isn’t even out yet. 

My team has been loosing points ever since that augmented reality product Apple came up with came out… The iGlasses or whatever… People are buying digital clothes. They just wear some silver suit. I saw a guy wearing nothing but a digital video of last nights late night show with Jimmy Fallon’s daughter, and his clothes kept changing to a tuxedo every two seconds, you’d expect him to atleast have a good signal if was wearing that. 

“People are poor but they want to have a good image… He probably has class Dave.. You don’t even shave.” Madison seemed upset…

She held up her watch and said… Siri tell Lisa to get ready, we’re going to the park. As soon as Lisa heard that she started jumping up and down. They left, the door locked itself, the tv dimmed off and the fans stopped running.

“Siri… I’m still here.” 

Sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that…

“Siri turn the fan back on or I’m telling on you.”

Oh okay… But Madison is going to leeeeeave youuuu.

And I’m going to replace you with Cortana. Now hush, turn on the tv and find me a new job.

Why don’t you sell your ancient video game library?

I love my video games.. No way. Turn on the TV.

The screen turned on, displayed my health center.

Siri, I know I’m a little big. Take down my health center.

You’re a little chubby aren’t you, yes you are!


Okay.. Sorry… What would you like to work on?

Pizza delivery is still popular… I mean cars can drive themselves to get it but who actually would send you to pick up pizza?

I’ll have you know.. I’ve been sent for pickups by others 2 billion + times…

Screw you Siri, you’re the best.

Madison is calling. Should I answer for you?

No, put her on the tv. 

Hey… We’re at the park… Lots of water, have you heard anything from your design team? 

No… I think they’re dead. Or… They haven’t pinged me since two days ago… One of them is in his apartment in Russia just sleeping probably.

Well… Me and Lisa are stopping by Jenna’s house. ” Hi Dave, How are you?!” I wanted to say I needed to take a poop, but how could I? Jenna is cool.

Well I’m fine.. I mean thank god we all work from home right! 

Ummm… Yeah? I guess.

Dave, set Siri to turn on the water purifier when I’m approaching home. I’ll be there in a couple hours.

Alright… I’ll be here Madison, probably will fall back to sleep though. Click.

The tv show that was running was about a boy who had lost his way, and was living by himself with his mom and two cats. He seemed really happy all the time when he was with friends but, when he came home he just turned off… And in his mind he fell into a trance each night… Where he could dream anything he wanted. He dreamth of a world with no money and he had a plan to do it but he had to gain super powers first so he was talking to God. God in the tv show was a figure that bounced around the screen.

Yikes.. This guy is crazy. Change the show Siri.

Jesus Christ’s Meaning of Life

Set your foot in sand and feel the earth’s energies travel towards you. Heighten your thoughts to be empty if it is you seek blissfulness… We are physical beings with spirits and souls. What the spirit is just a connection to our hearts, and the soul the one that reaches into the places where heaven and hell remain… Hell in ancient times was leaving the garden of Eden, an island called Punt down by Mt. Meru, a volcano erupted near it  by the Indonesian Islands causing the end of the ice age, if it wasn’t a comet… It was the debris around the planet Saturn that was the last home of life forms. When it erupted the people left the island and set forth to the corners of the world seeking a place to grow crops, a place to learn, a place to hold the past, and a place to build a future. Those places we’re Tibet, Matchu Pichu, Greece, and Egypt. In Egypt John the Baptist was the one who declared those who survived the volcanic eruption’s echoing a flood, blessed. He was considered godly because he was an oracle of the secret learning schools of the illuminated magi- who knew of spiritual guidance to cross into the spiritual dimensions. The gypsies were all descendants of the magi, and for that reason pharaohs. When Moses saw the burning bush he was exposed to an alien ship that gave him a message to lead the dead – the Egyptian slaves away from Ramses out from his kingdom into the woods. The alien went to give a dream to the Egyptian pharaoh Nathaniel II (Osiris) a dream he could not understand and Daniel told him his kingdom would be the greatest of all if he left. The bull was worshipped at the time because they measured time not just by year and month, but by the stars. They had associated animals to each reign of pharaoh deities. The Egyptians were minded spiritual travelers of dimensions. A dream is an inner dimension within you that you create. They had heightened their abilities to speak spiritually beyond the dead and into the heavens… As we know Jesus was made of light. Jesus was a spiritual being who possessed the body of Moses and was in a pact with an alien from another galaxy that came down to earth and is represented in Hinduism by a man with 10 heads, Vishnu, and another one of his creations – Buddha. And I believe Jesus’s soul is from the same galaxy’s dimension. This alien had made a pact with daemons to extinguish the Egyptians and in doing so Osiris brother killed him. He and his wife fled with a child whom I believe was Buddha – a planted gift from the aliens who came, that said they had the secret scripts of life- or the vedas’s texts. There was supposed to be a feast but the Egyptians didn’t go to it. Osiris went on later to become king of the underworld after the daemons and angels of light destroyed the Egyptians after Jesus told them they had to share the kingdom and they didn’t want to.. So the Egyptians all left to create more slavery shops… In the 4 corners of the world after Jesus guided them to destroy those he could across the sea in search for their first land, the island where John the Baptist came from.

 Who Jesus was to the Egyptians… the devil. The devil was the spirit that activated a prism of light through the Planet Saturn and to earth he was cursed by God to create humanity on earth… Made him a sinner, and all of the devils sons and daughters were sinners too. So where ever the key to kingdom of god… Satan and the archangel Michael worked for God whom is made of light to get rid of the slave-mastering Egyptians – the term MasterCard comes from African slavery… The white people in our previous generations owned slaves.. They were secretly gypsies… The pagans with no God but their own, whom they considered to be dynamic. A new animal from the stars from every arm of the Milky Way Galaxy constellations- the horoscope you are assigned is your god animal.

As it turns out… There’s a cube that’s represented by the Star of David that resembles where the Egyptians passed through to get here, as well as where aliens passed by. It lies in the planet Saturn – broken now, and it is supposed to be the gateway to reach heaven and hell spiritually- Jesus broke it by deactivating the pillars of Hercules and entered it to leave spiritually…  it feeds on human emotion, the idea that religion should be worshipped, though Jesus is probably the person you should be worshipping Even if he was in a committee with the devil… Cause this planet still feels like it’s run by pagan gypsies if you ask me. Wink, wink.